Thursday, February 12, 2009


I had an epic dream last night. Let me set the stage.

Charles, the boys and I were at some kind of event. There was this long building, one third of it was a cafeteria style food bar and the other end was a theater, but it was a crappy theatre. There was an aisle down the middle and the seats on the left and right of the isle all faced toward the middle. Behind this building was a baseball diamond with really high bleachers that went straight up but had no stairs to get there. In front of the building, across the street was a Burger King. Charles and I went to BK to get us some cheeseburgers while the boys stayed behind. We noticed that something was going on across the road. People had gathered around the building and all of the windows were closed and their shutters had been rolled down so you couldn't see inside. Odd, we thought, so went back to see what was going on.

Gunmen had taken the people inside of the building hostage. I was terrified. Where were the boys? I started to search frantically, and I found Chucker right away. Whew good, now where were his brothers. I tried to look into the building through the open doors at the end to see if they were in there. I couldn't really see so I decided to go in anyway. My babies needed me. Just as I was going to go in I was stopped by Jeff Semple. He had been here to go to the event, but was now covering the fast breaking story, live. "You can't go in there", he said," There are professionals coming who will take care of the situation. It's just too dangerous. Stay out here."

Every few minutes the gunmen let out a few more hostages, the little kids, the sick ones. I kept hoping to see Bob and Dan come out, but no. Finally I couldn't stand it. I went in. The gunmen stared at me, unbelieving. "What do you want?" They screamed! Bob and Dan!! I yelled back. All guns were pointed at me as they tried to decide what to do.

Then, as sometimes happens in dreams, I could see an aerial shot of where everyone was. I was in a run down theater with a dozen guns pointed at me. Charles and Chucker were outside, as was my bag of cheeseburgers. Bob and Dan had gone to the bleachers and somehow figured out how to open the secret stairs, made out of Lego, that allowed them to climb right to the top of the bleachers and were sitting there having a great old time with Homer Simpson.