Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Somehow it came. It came just the same!

Well Christmas is gone again. It comes so agonizingly slowly and rushes by so quickly. It comes and goes whether you're "ready" or not. This year was interesting.

I haven't been feeling by best and it's all been too hard, yet I've enjoyed this Christmas so very much. We didn't have any lights up outside this year. Probably for the first time ever, no lights. I'd made some ice lanterns to put out Christmas eve, but it was too warm and rainy so, nothing. The tree went up and stayed undecorated for many days. It was lovely and smelled amazing. Then one day I came home from work and Dan was putting lights on the tree. He got to the bottom and still had a handful of lights left so he tied them in a ball and hung them from the bottom. Then he took the garland that is so careful arranged each year into lovely swoops and just tossed it randomly all over the place. It was beautiful. Then I hung one ornament on the tree and "vi-ola" it was done. Best tree ever!

It's funny cause I worried about this and stressed about that but time just keeps ticking, you know? Like on Christmas eve. We had about 20 songs to play, but I watched the list sitting next to my music, checking the songs off one by one. Here I am to worship, check, joy comes with the dawn, check, silent night, check, o come all ye faithful, check.... and so on. Song after song, check after check, tick, tock , tick , tock. the evening passed.

So it's gone again and what do I remember. Well best tree ever! I love my boys. I love it when they are around, all of us together. I love seeing Charles so happy and the boys so goofy and mouthy. "Who's wearing the beard now? huh? huh? huh?" hahaha Maybe the trick is to just enjoy those I love and let time take care of the rest.


Pundawg said...

The answer is me. Me is wearing the beard now.

Dianne said...

ooops wrong button....
Hells yes Pundawg...You sure are!!!!!