Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ok so a couple of weeks ago Laurie calls me over at the post office and whispers "Are you doing anything on the 22nd?" I say "No why?" "We'll talk later" "ok" says I and off I go.

I get into the car with Brian and I ask him so what's up with Laurie and what's up on the 22nd? He says ""I dunno why? altho it is my birthday. Why is Laurie doing something?"

Oh man! I wrecked the surprise! I felt terrible! Well after many minutes of making me feel awful Brian laughs and says "Naw we just wanted to have you and the Pattersons, and the Beadman's over for a few drinks. hahahahahahaha"

He really had me going. Jerky McJerkerson! We Laurie felt kinda bad for me and decided it would serve him right if we surprised him. So she gave Kathleen, Holly and I instructions and we showed up at their place and decorated and I had made a banner, but half way thru the week Kathleen thought well you know Laurie's birthday is next week, we should just have a double surprise party! Brilliant!!! So that's what we did. We called all of the people back and told them it was a double surprise. It was too funny!

I found out last night, however, that most people seemed worried about me spoiling the surprise cause I ride with Brian every day and apparently when it comes to such things I'm the weakest link" ppfffttt!

But all this was just the intro for what i wanted to say. We played the best game of eat poop you cat last night ever!!!!! At some point the phrase "We're not out of the woods yet" turned into "heavenly tits" to which someone drew the nicest pair of tits floating in the sky you ever saw. And then someone decided that it must be "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"

Someone else, inspired by a story about Bob writing a paragraph that went something like...."the year was 1883 when suddenly...." Wrote a lovely piece about Pete Rose and his subsequent fall from fame. To which someone else drew an excellent picture of a base ball player behind bars surrounded by money, and so "to be or not to be" ended up being "Pete Rose"

And "humpty dumpty sat on a wall", after someone drawing a picture of a cracked egg and some sort of tube became "crack pipe" Hahahahahaha


1 comment:

Pundawg said...

The year was 1944 and Admiral Pinkerton was setting sail on the first submarine of the pacific campaign.